Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcoming 2013 in the Nations Capital, Port Moresby

Various celebrations took place in different parts of Port Moresby. As residents sit up late till 12 midnight to welcome the New Year, the noisy atmosphere around the city was sure to keep people partying up till late. For the fireworks, Lamana put up a spectacular display to the delight of most residents around Tokarara, Hohola, Waigani, Gordons, Garden Hill and East Boroko. A bit of the fireworks could be viewed at Koukou but not too obvious due to the distance and the hills. At Koukou village, fireworks and various celebrations took place. The night skies filled up with privately funded fireworks display as well as flares transforming the sleepy villages of Tatana, Baruni and Koukou into magnificent scenery in the early mornings of 2013. Pictured here are pictures taken on the 1st of January around 12 midnight at Koukou looking towards Tatana Island.

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