Whilst our health system is struggling to keep up with the pressure of an ever increasing population, many people do not realize this but we can play our part in a small way to ease this pressure in this system. A lot is avoidable and preventable and one way is the observant of hygiene in our own homes and community. The simple procedure of washing our hands before eating or after using the toilet in one way contributes to hygiene. Having a community day of cleaning also is a simple step for a healthier community. The non observant of hygiene is disastrous. This year (2010) the outbreak of Cholera has seen the government spend over millions of kina to get this under control. This money that is supposed to rebuild or maintain existing health facilities is being spent on this emergency. Responsibility partly lies on our shoulders to play our part to prevent and avoid the emergence of these deathly diseases. Pictured is an example of a community in an urban setting that is most vulnerable to an outbreak of such diseases as cholera and typhoid.
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