Law and Order is a social problem in every country. As we speak a crime is committed every second of every minute around the world. The trend of crime is changing, some simple and some more complexes that involve a number of individuals or certain groups of people. Port Moresby is no exception and there are some measures that you can take in order to avoid this.
Those that commit this act usual act on individuals that are vulnerable and less likely to defend themselves. Here are some measures you can take and avoid this but this is not a guarantee as it can even happen to anyone in the most unlikely places and least expected.
Here are some tips:
Using Public Motor Vehicle (PMV)
1. When deciding to catch a PMV, always make sure that your valuable are stored in a non exposable bag. Example it is not advisable to carry a bilum from the coastal area as it is exposed and everything that is inside can be seen. Carry a highlands bilum made of wool where nothing is exposed.
2. Ladies especially are encouraged to go in groups or with older female companion or wantoks during the day.
3. When walking it is good to keep your bags or bilum in front of you so that you are in perfect view of your valuables.
4. If confronted and outnumbered, don’t resist but give them your valuables. It is better to be safe than sorry.
5. Avoid crowded areas as it is potential that most rascals strike in those places
6. In the bus it is always advisable to close windows or avoid sitting next to windows as most thugs strike when the victim is unsuspecting. (eg snatching of mobile phones and bags)
7. It is advisable not to be on the mb phone when on the bus especially when sitting on the window seat.
8. Avoid carrying a lot of things when deciding to use this alternative transport.
**Please note that this is applicable mostly in urban PMV routes (Port Moresby and Lae) and doesn’t apply to rural PMVs**
Using vehicle
1. Always keep your doors locked at all times.
2. When approaching roundabout make sure your windows are fully wind up or 80% up to avoid thugs putting their hand through
3. Drive in more common and more useable roads. Avoid back roads and less frequently used roads
4. Avoid driving late at nights especially when you leave in a resident that have a gate on the main road.
5. When driving pay attention to vehicles. If you suspect a vehicle following you avoid heading home but drive around for a while or head straight to a police station.
6. Avoid leaving valuables in your car as it attracts attention. Store in the boot of your car or have someone stay in the car. Even a tinted glass isn’t guaranteed
7. When travelling around, it is good to have company especially boys or men with you.
8. When driving into a neighborhood that is unfamiliar, try to get a local (someone who lives around that area) to accompany you.
Living in a community or compound
Get to know your community and local neighborhood that you reside in. Have some relatives live at home when taking a vacation or going out for a while.
Welcome any new ideas or those that I have missed out.
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