Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Good old memories at Sogeri

Expressive Arts class at Parliament
Class of 1998 12.4

This coming Friday is Sogeri Singsing. It brings back a couple of good memories. This was the year 1997 and 1998. The names such as Mr Vui, Mr Halasa, Mr Pogla, Mr Crook and Mrs Ahai are what I can remember so far. As those that time would recall, it was a time of transition from the old system to the new system. As you would see in the photos attached, we were the last group that didn’t have any uniforms in those days. The uniform came into effect not long after. It was a very eventful year as well. Not only did I witness the burning down of several English and math classrooms but the ethnic make up of the school stopped there. Most of the student came from different parts of the country and from the year beyond students came from either central or ncd. Most provinces by now had their own secondary schools. I have bumped into several school mates of mine but have either forgotten their names except a few who I regularly keep in touch through the email. Contact me if you know anyone in these photos

1 comment:

  1. Managed to locate some of my classmates through email and phone.
